You will incur additional costs after checkout
Follow these steps to ensure you have no surprises.

Use this calculator below to estimate full cost before checkout
The amount in your cart will not include import duties and any applicable taxes, including clearance and local taxes, once the shipment has arrived at the specified destination. You can calculate the full cost by clicking the go to calculator link below.

Consider rather shopping with your closest retailer
If you are looking for the cheapest or easiest route you may find this experience frustrating. While we improve our checkout experience for those outside of the US, consider buying from our Amazon store or through your favorite retailer.

Look out for an email from DHL invoice with import duties and tax
If you choose to order off the website you will get an email with an invoice from DHL when your product reaches the border. The email will ask you to provide some personal information and pay the invoice. On payment they will ship to your home.
How to fill the calculator in:
Use this Import Duties Calculator to estimate the import duty and taxes you will be liable to pay to DHL when your product(s) reach the border.
Use the information below to fill out the fields in the calculator:
Importing from: New Zealand
Currency: NZD
Importing to: Select your country
Currency: Select your currency
Product description: Enter product name as indicated in checkout
HS Code: Leave blank
Product value: Use this Currency Converter to convert the product value to NZD
Product Quantity: Enter the number of products
Term: CIF
Shipping cost: Enter the shipping cost as indicated in checkout
Insurance cost: Leave blank
Why Bluelab ships this way:
Currently Bluelab ships all our shipments outside of New Zealand and USA using the INCOTERMS Delivered at Place (DAP). We are actively working on another solution to improve this experience.
DAP is an international trade term used to describe a sale in which a seller (Bluelab) agrees to pay all costs and suffer any potential losses of moving goods sold to a specific location. In delivered-at-place agreements, the buyer (You) is responsible for paying import duties and any applicable taxes, including clearance and local taxes, once the shipment has arrived at the specified destination.
Duties for customers residing outside of New Zealand and USA will not be calculated until the parcel reaches your Countries border. Once there you will be invoiced by our shipping partner 'DHL' and will be liable for any duty charges applied to your order.
This means that the price you see on checkout is not the total landed cost as it will be exclusive of import duties and taxes.